N Gauge Catalogues
This page is an attempt to archive some of the history of British N Gauge, particularly manufacturers' catalogues - things that get easily thrown away as they get out of date, but become interesting again with the passage of time.
Most documents on this page are the result of scanning the paper originals. I've had assistance from other members of the N gauge community in this task and thanks are gratefully given. This small project would also not be possible without the assistance of the manufacturers, who have kindly given permission for their material to be used.
Do You Have Any Material To Add?
This archive is by no means complete. I'm particularly interested in a copy of the early Dapol flyers that advertised their early N gauge offerings.
If you have anything to offer, including material from other manufacturers, either in electronic or paper form, please get in contact by emailing trains@ness-street.co.uk
If you find any errors, or simply find the material interesting please drop me a line at the above email address.
You may also find www.ngauge.org.uk of interest.
Files are in pdf format.
As an experiment some files are now hosted via Dropbox.
Files recently added (last addition September 2021) marked *
Please do not link to the catalogues directly - their locations are liable to change.
Scans all reproduced by the kind permission of Dapol Ltd.
Dapol 2014-15 cataolgue N section (12Mb)
Dapol 2012 catalogue N section (8Mb)
Dapol 2012 catalogue O, OO and accessories (9Mb)
Dapol 2012 price list (1Mb)
Dapol 2011 catalogue N section (7Mb)
Dapol 2011 catalogue OO section (8 Mb)
Dapol 2010 catalogue N gauge section (3.8 Mb)
Dapol 2010 catalogue OO section (3.6 Mb)
Dapol 2009 catalogue complete pdf (14 Mb)
Dapol 2009 catalogue N gauge section only (9 Mb)
Dapol 2008 catalogue complete pdf (5 Mb)
Dapol 2008 catalogue N gauge section only (2.5 Mb)
Dapol 12th edition catalogue (7 Mb)
Dapol 11th edition catalogue (6 Mb)
Dapol 10th edition catalogue (6 Mb)
Dapol 9th edition catalogue N section only (1 Mb)
Dapol 8th edition catalogue N section only (<1Mb)
Graham Farish
1973 Advert
(click on image for larger version)
Graham Farish 1971 Catalogue (1 Mb)
Graham Farish 1973 Catalogue (7 Mb)
Graham Farish 1978 Product Poster (20 Mb)
Graham Farish 1980 Catalogue (14 Mb)
Graham Farish 1980 Toyfair Releases (1.6 Mb)
Graham Farish 1981 Catalogue (9.5 Mb)
Graham Farish 1983 Catalogue (19 Mb)
Graham Farish Catalogue Releases 1984-5 (4.4 Mb)
Graham Farish 1987 Catalogue (27 Mb)
Graham Farish 1989 Catalogue (16 Mb)
Graham Farish 1991 Supplement (2.5 Mb)
Graham Farish 1994 Catalogue (15 Mb)
Graham Farish 1997 Catalogue (17 Mb)
Graham Farish 1998 UK Price List (3.6 Mb)
Graham Farish 1999 Catalogue (10Mb)
Graham Farish 1999 Price List (2.5 Mb)
Graham Farish (Bachmann) 2003 Catalogue (7 Mb)
Graham Farish (Bachmann) 2004 Catalogue (3Mb)
Graham Farish (Bachmann) 2005 Catalogue (5Mb)
Graham Farish (Bachmann) 2007 Catalogue (18Mb)*
Graham Farish Magnum Layout Catalogue 1999 (7Mb)
Graham Farish Magnum Layout Plan 9702 September 1995 (3.3Mb)
Graham farish Printing Error Notice May 1998 (0.5Mb)
Lima Micro Model N 1968-69 (6 Mb)
Lima 1980 catalogue -first section, mainly OO (30Mb)
Lima 1980 catalogue - second section, mainly N (14 Mb)
Lima 1980 catalogue - pricelist and dealer list (3 Mb)
Lima Mini Train 1991 (13 Mb)
Minitrix catalogue (date unknown)
Hornby Minitrix Catalogue (date unknown) (2 Mb)
Hornby-Minitrix poster flyer (date unknown)*
1968 Catalogue (18 Mb)
1982 Catalogue (10Mb)
1988 Catalogue (24 Mb)
1990 Catalogue (27Mb)
1994 Catalogue (10 Mb)
2000 Catalogue (10 Mb)
Ratio Plastic Models and Price List 1990 (3 Mb)
Ratio 1998 (2.5 Mb)
Peco material by kind permission of Pritchard Patent Product Co Ltd
Eurotunnel N Gauge Kit Leaflet (1 Mb)
Copyright remains with existing rightsholders. Material from this site must not be used for commercial purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder.
Ness Street Holiday Cottage, Ness Street, Berwick upon Tweed, Northumberland TD15 1HY. Tel 01289 318069